Ewingston JACOB 076176
Ewingston Jacob 076176
Ear tag: UK0562689-00639
Born: April 16, 2020 (Single)
UK ram owner: Kate Sharp
Ewingston Flock, East Lothian, Scotland
Scrapie Genotype: ARR/ARR
Jacob is a grey katmoget shearling ram bred by Kate Sharp. He is a beautiful example of a grey katmoget with crisp markings. His fleece is a beautiful mid-grey colour with an amazingly fine handle and consistent crimp from front to rear.
His sire, Sunninglye Coriolanus, was a prolific ram used to improve the katmoget pattern. Coriolanus was bred by Sue Petrie in the South East of England, before joining Sue Watson's flock in the South West, and then made the journey to the North East of England. He was a fantastic producer of quality Shetland sheep, and Jacob is no exception. Coriolanus sired Wadley Jenna, Great Yorkshire Show Champion 2016.
Jacobs dam, Halfway Whimsy, who was bred by Sue Thwaites, was acquired by the Ewingston Flock at the Shetland Sheep Society National show and sale. She was selected because of her beautiful fine bone, breed type and lovely fleece, which Jacob has inherited!
Jacob will be the perfect ram for improving the Grey Katmoget marking. He is a fantastic katmoget and will be a great quality addition to any flock.​